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Process for raising items with the parish council

It has come to the attention of the parish council that some parishioners (and councillors!) find it frustrating how long it can take for projects to be completed and concerns discussed by the parish council. Unfortunately the parish council is restricted by many rules and regulations that slow things down and the frustration is felt by all.

The parish council would like to try to reduce this frustration for everyone and the best way we can do this is to try to ensure that parishioners and councillors are aware of the basic rules we have to follow and try to work with them.


The main issue to be aware of is that, in order for the parish council to make a lawful decision on a proposal, it must be detailed on the agenda which must be published 3 clear days (not including Sundays and bank holidays) before the meeting. Therefore if you attend a meeting and raise an item under the public forum part of the meeting, the parish council cannot make a decision at that meeting and it would need to wait to go on the next agenda which is usually two months later. If you inform the clerk of your issue before the agenda goes out (ideally at least 5 clear days before the meeting), if the item is something that the parish council are responsible for it can go on the agenda and a decision can be made at that meeting. Some items won’t need to go on the agenda for a decision as they may have already been authorised earlier in the year (for example grass cutting) or they may not be within the powers of the parish council to deal with.

If you are happy to wait two months for your item to be discussed then you are still welcome to raise it at the meeting but the main purpose of the public forum is for members of the public to give their opinions on any items on the agenda before the council hold their meeting as, ordinarily, the public are not permitted to speak during a parish council meeting as it is a meeting held in public, not a public meeting.

If you contact the parish clerk with any enquiries she will work out what needs to go on the agenda, what can be actioned without being discussed at a meeting and try to direct you to the right people if the parish council can’t help. The parish clerk can be contacted on:

Kirsty Buttle (Clerk to Farnborough Parish Council)

74 Beaulieu Close
OX16 4FQ


Tel: 01295 275372

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